Thursday, February 7, 2013

HW - Thursday, 2/7

1.  Ruskin Reads - 30 minutes 
"Reading Is Cool" Goal of the Month:  MOST BOOKS READ 
Remember: read your Accelerated Reader (ZPD) Book and take the Quiz in class...and ADD UP THE PAGES YOU HAVE READ!
2.  RuskinFIT (Physical Exercise) - 30 minutes
3.  Spelling Activity - NONE this week
4.  Reading Comprehension -  "The Mouse" (writing mechanics and questions)
5.  Wordly Wise - 16e; L 16 Test tomorrow  (last week of Wordly Wise until after the break)
6.  Language Arts -  Theme 4 Test tomorrow
Tuck Everlasting Activities due Friday, 2/8  <---VERY IMPORTANT
- If you did not copy down the Story Diagram information from the white board, here it is. Use it to complete the bottom story diagram:
-- INTENTION OF THE HERO: Winnie wants to make a difference in the world.
-- INITIAL BARRIER: Winnie is stuck in the touch-me-not cottage and is not able to do what she wants.
-- BARRIER REMOVAL: Winnie learns about the Tucks and the spring.
-- HIGH POINT: Winnie loves the Tucks.
-- "RUG PULLING" (BUT): The man in the yellow suit learns about the spring.
-- CATASTROPHE: Mae strikes the man in the yellow suit, who eventually dies.
-- RESOLUTION: Winnie helps Mae escape.
7.  My Math Class  -  Assorted Topic Review Quiz tomorrow
-- Textbook pgs. 338-339
-- Workbook pgs. none
8.  Science - pgs. none 
(but Ch. 5 Review is due Tuesday; Ch. 5 Test is on Wednesday)
9.  History -  pgs. none

  • We have enough parent chaperones for next Friday's field trip. Thank you!!!
  • Valentine's Day lists were passed out today. We are having a Valentine's Day card exchange and a little party after lunch next Thursday.
  • T-Shirt order forms due ASAP

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