- Friday: P.E.; Science Lab; Little Buddies
1. Read for 30 min. / November Reading Logs due TOMORROW, December 1!
2. Language Arts
- Wordly Wise - 11 e; Lesson 11 Test tomorrow
- Time for Kids - Read the magazine; Quiz on Monday
3. Math
- Textbook pgs. 212-213
- Workbook pgs. R/P 9-4
4. History - pgs. none
5. Science - pgs. 172-173 (white paper is for your art for the ADVERTISMENT; binder paper needs to be used for your writing of the COMMERCIAL/AD)
5. Science - pgs. 172-173 (white paper is for your art for the ADVERTISMENT; binder paper needs to be used for your writing of the COMMERCIAL/AD)